Hoy TV Shares Stories of Two ChickenSoup Families

David and Sze’s family were featured in one of HOY TV’s episodes in [小事大意義].

(2023, 51st Episode)

In this video, it mentioned how the single parents had to face challenges themselves while taking care of children with special needs. But after getting to know the ChickenSoup Foundation, they started to feel more mentally strong.

To hear more about their stories, click on the picture above to watch on HOY TV!

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Individual Donors

Marjorie Y 1,005 Gianna L 1,000 Heidi L 1,111 Gianna L 1,000 Steve L 504 Gianna L 1,000 Vincci K 1,100 Jacky K 300 Rozana L 200 Gary L 5,000 Sakuntala R 1,000 Kenneth H 4,500 Uncle Tomas 200,000 Cindy C 60,000 Robyn L 60,000 Karim A 2,000 Benjamin V 10,000 Divia H 1,800 Ronnie W 4,000 Sonia S 3,200 Jacqueline S 10,500 Christopher H 10,000 Frederick W 5,000 Arthur W 8,000 Derek L 8,000 George L 8,000 Jason W 8,000 Ken H 8,000 Mason W 8,000 Peter T 8,000 Stephen C 8,000 Steven Y 8,000 Thomas H 8,000 Thomas W 8,000 Nelson W 8,000 Andy L 16,000 Tommy T 8,000 Cindy L 10,500 Henry C 10,000 Janice M 80,000 Patricia C 50,000 Vincent K 10,000 Andrew Y 5,000 Seisaku K 2,500 Tony Y 1,500