After Hubert’s father abandoned the family, his mother had to put more efforts to look after his younger sibling with severe special needs. As the eldest and only son, Hubert grew up in an impoverished family where he felt unloved and was burdened with parental expectations. Despite the adversity, he is a talented student athlete with a strong passion in fencing and is determined to pursue his athletic dream.
FIC#021: Story of Hubert and His Family
It was at the family’s lowest ebb when their case was referred to us via our network of social workers. In an interview with the South China Morning Post, Lisa shared the uplifting story of how her family began the process of turning their lives around with our support.
What will happen when Lisa’s son Hubert joins force with Andrew, our donor family, to take on a challenge? This “SOUL Amazing Day” social-educational experience captured the fun adventure for two kids of similar age but of different family backgrounds – watch now!
If you encounter any family that needs a helping hand and would like to refer them to us, please follow the instructions below.
Please read the introduction of our program.
Please complete this questionnaire to refer eligible families. Due to the large volume of applications, we will only be able to respond to successful applicants.